Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Okay, so....good news and bad news.

Good news is that I won't be focused so much anymore on my weight. 

Bad news is that is because my scale is unreliable.

NOW. Before you start havin thoughts like "surrrrre Matt, right. 'Unreliable' because you had a weigh-in that wasnt in your favor?" I weighed myself 5 times in a row this morning and each time it was a different number. Differences between .2 pounds and 5 pounds - all of them less than what I weighed last week.

So my weight scale operates like The Price is Right now - just pick the most accurate number without going over?

This is good because it is going to take my mind out of the picture for a part of this journey.  To be honest, I was afraid this morning that I was going to get on the scale and have another rough week.  Not that I have done anything to cause such a gain, but it is always a fear no matter how irrational it is.

Maybe I will pick another scale up in the future...maybe not.  

Right now I am going to keep doing what I am doing and walking my path and know that I am working toward a healthier me.

On a different subject, I think I may have a way, depending on the traffic at the gym at the morning, to work out in the morning and NOT have to wake my happy butt up early, rush to work, rush home and barely have the strength to get to the gym.  Experiment starts Thursday.  Will keep you posted.

Keep on walkin'

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