Thursday, June 9, 2016

In the immortal words of Leslie Knope...

In the immortal words of Leslie Knope - 

As expected, my return to the gym was rewarded with extreme muscle soreness.

BUT! I still got up early this morning - again - so that I could get to the gym after work and still have time to eat dinner and enjoy a nice quiet evening with the wife.

So I have that going for me.

Today I checked in with weight loss - I had gained 1 pound.  THAT is within acceptable tolerances.  It shows that I am still on the right path - even though it is a gain, I have still lost 4 since weighing in on Monday - and am taking positive action.

Even though I measured my waist on Monday, I did it again yesterday morning and saw that I lost an inch.  THAT is another positive! I will double-check again this evening to make sure I was accurate and not just measuring in a different place.  Until I get used to measuring with accuracy at the same spot every time, this number may fluctuate too.  Still though - since the wedding I have lost at least 5 inches there.  

Proportionally though, it is a drop in the bucket.  My clothes have more X's than an adult video store and I'm a long way away from buying normal stuff, but it is going in the right direction.

Despite being incredibly - and I mean INCREDIBLY - sore, I am in a positive mood.  

I have a pretty good workout routine that was put together by a personal trainer I had named Micheal.  He told me some very valuable information - "The best exercise for you is the one that you are going to do."  

Exercise sucks.  It is work, it is pain and it results in soreness. But there is a difference between exercises that you don't mind doing and exercises that you don't want to do.  I don't want to walk on a treadmill.  I don't want to do a stairclimber. I don't want to do a lot.  What I don't mind doing is elliptical trainers, walking around the building, bench presses and the like.  

The point is, find something that works the major muscle groups that you don't mind doing.  

My workout routine is as follows:

3x10 reps of each - 
Bent-over rows
One-arm dumbbell dead lift + overhead press (each arm)
Lat pulldown
Standing curls
Standing overhead tricep extension

I don't mind doing those and they work just about every major muscle group or groups at once.  That combined with a warmup and some abs is pretty complete.

Alright, back to the daily routine!

Keep on walkin'

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