Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Reality Check

So I had a bit of a mental crisis this week.

I weighed myself on Sunday.  The results were less than stellar.  It showed a gain of 5 pounds.

I said to myself "okay, not a big deal - you know how weight goes, it is just weight fluctuating."

I went on throughout the day and still had a worry in the back of my mind.  After a while, it did go away though.

Then, Monday morning, I weighed myself again.  It showed the exact. same. thing.

I wasn't pleased.  I was downright pissed the f*ck off.  I go through hard work and effort, turn down things I shouldnt be eating on my birthday of all days and I get a gain?! WHAT THE F*CK.

My wife tried to console me. My folks tried to get my mind back on track, but it was something that I had to do myself.

I can't say that I am there yet, but I did avoid my usual "pattern of regret" - that being spiraling out of control, eating through my frustration and pain and then feeling even more depressed once I wake up the next day. I maintained my composure and kept to my meal plan.

I did have some introvert time - kind of retreated into my shell and wondered what I did wrong, what could have caused it, etc etc.

Last night as I lay in bed I formulated a plan to move forward.  

Firstly: I will get the damn tape measure so I can check in with a different metric.

Secondly: I woke my ass up this morning, got my shit together and went to work early, so I could come home, mow the lawn and then go to the gym.

I did a solid 40 minutes of yard work and then 20 minutes at the gym (was my first time in a LOOOOONG while, and will be sore for the next few days) burning more than 1300 calories.  

THATS what I call getting my shit together.

No time to complain, no time to be sad. Im in this for the long haul.

Also - fell short on my walking 15 minutes a day 3 times a week, but did do an hour worth of activity today.  Not bad, if I do say so myself.

Keep on walkin

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