Thursday, June 2, 2016


Sorry I missed my Wednesday check-in, I was finishing up a tv series and we had two episodes left to binge on.  

So, the weight loss for last week was.........

Drumroll please....

11 pounds and some change!

Now, I did cheat a little bit, but not in the sense of food.  I weighed in this morning as well as last night to get a grand total, after last night's weigh didn't prove the results that I wanted.

Last night was 6 pounds and a bit, and then this morning was 5.  

To be honest, I was disappointed last night.  Even a little depressed.  I had a friggin 17 pound loss one week followed by a measly 6? What the f*ck. I was already mentally planning my update post as a means of addressing my feelings and bringing myself to grips. To be honest, I still need to get on that.

I am moving in the right direction. 

I am doing what I can in terms of weight loss by eating right, but I have yet to supplement that with exercise, which is what I need to work on next.

I am avoiding my problem foods, counting my calories and eating my fruits and veggies.

I can proudly say that I have been very honest with my food log.

Why was I disappointed with the initial 6 pound loss? It is a step in the right direction! Big steps! even without this morning's additional loss, I hit 24 pounds lost in two weeks.  That is a BIG deal. 

Putting that in proportions, for someone who weighs 220 pounds, an equivalent loss would be about 9.7 pounds.  Even for someone that size it is impressive.

I suppose my disappointment comes from the sheer amount of loss that I have ahead of me.  I want to hurry up and be at the finish line...I don't want to be walking there at a slow pace.

Thats the problem, Matt.

This isn't a race, it is a marathon. It is a journey.  Sure, it will take a long ass time to get to what you picture the finish line to be, but that is avoiding the point entirely.  There is no line. No stop. No endpoint.  

This is a journey to health and wellness and that goal is the path on which you walk, not an endpoint. I am eating well, getting healthy and changing my mindset to get on this path.  

A weight loss is a weight loss and, as I have said before, weight can fluctuate on a number of factors. I exploited one of those factors to get a bigger loss. It isn't a cheat, it isn't a false is what it is.  Mentally I am going about the numbers game in a wrong way.  

I am going to get myself a tape measure and measure inches as well.  That is one way I have definitely noticed some changes, and I think it would benefit me to track those as well.  My pants are looser and already a shirt that was kinda tight on my honeymoon is looser as well.  Time to start tracking my progress in multiple ways.

In other news, I have finished the gallon water challenge.  While I don't plan on continuing to bring my gallon jug of water with me anymore, I will be more conscious about staying hydrated.

Challenge for this week:

Im going to -literally- start walking.  Let's say I am going to aim to walk three days this week.  15 minutes at least.  I'm not sure how I will do it with the weather as it is in Houston, but I am going to do it.  Three days, 15 minutes at least.

Keep on walkin'

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