Tuesday, May 24, 2016


I had some temptation today.  It wasn't the first time and it won't be the last, but I want to get it off my chest.

Today on the way home from work, I decided to stop for a drink at the gas station.  

Let me say that I went into the gas station and the situation with the knowledge that I could be facing some tough mental predicaments inside, but also preparing myself to have some strength.  And to my credit, I did show strength.

As planned, I walked to the cooler, picked up a zero-calorie beverage and proceeded to walk out.  On the way out, I thought "hey, I have like...100 calories in reserve for the day, lets see if we can get some jerky."

Jerky, for your information, is actually a pretty good snack.  While it can be high in sodium, it is also high in protein and low in calories.

I picked up a single-sized portion of jerky.  Then I eyed the bigger size intended for a few people.

The conversation within my mind went as such:

"This is a good snack AND I can have more of it!"
"But Matt, I don't think you have the calories in your budget for it."
"Oh shut up - you knowingly underestimate your calorie budget.  Plus, they have CHOLULA flavored jerky."
"You know...I DO underestimate my calorie budget..."
"Yeah you do! Plus, you would only go over by like...100 calories."
"Yeah...I guess so...WAIT. NO. THIS IS HOW IT STARTS. F*CK OFF."

And I proceeded to get the single-size portion and patted myself on the back for making the correct call, mentally both noting my good choice AND remembering the tough call in the future.

It really does start with that.  The slight bending of the rule to accommodate something that I think I really want.  Then it snowballs.

I was really proud of myself for getting past the temptation and making the right call.  It wasn't easy - I like jerky and I love cholula hot sauce (seriously, ask my wife).  

Life is gonna have the temptations.  Just this Thursday my coworkers are throwing a pot-luck food day in honor of my forthcoming birthday, and I will be expected to eat there.  Will I? No.  I am preparing myself ahead of time to go nowhere near the food table.  I will treat myself with the delicious food that my wife and I made lovingly for lunches! And maybe a zero-cal drink on the way home.  Gotta celebrate success and birthdays somehow, ya know?

My point is, preparing yourself for sticky situations ahead of time really does help, but sometimes you can't even trust that and have to rely on what you really know is right.  Honestly, one of the things that helped me in the back of my mind was "One way or another, I am going to be writing about this on my blog. Lets make this a good post."

So thats my post for today.  And it was a good one.  I faced the challenge and overcame.  

With delicious jerky.

Keep on walkin'

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