Friday, July 15, 2016

Endorphins are real, yo.

So I have been having a bit of a rough time lately.

Works been getting me down and I have been a tad depressed, anxious and grumpy lately.  That and very introverted.

Monday and Friday were/are different though.  Why?

Because I went to the gym.

I really didn't want to go, but I did. And my wife made me go this morning (all while she went back to bed and asked me to turn the lights out on my way. Thanks, honey).

Afterwords, after I cool off, get hydrated and take a shower, MAN, do I feel good.

More awake, more happy, positive and more.

I had a great morning and am going to push through and have a great day.

Also, at the gym, today was the first time that I looked in the mirror and noticed the change in my body.  

Sure, I have felt it. My clothes have been looser, I have gone down several notches in my belt and, as I have mentioned before, my seatbelt in the car isn't choking me out.

But today, I saw it. I saw that I am getting thinner and more muscular.  More importantly, I am getting healthier.

Have a great one, folks, and as always

Keep on walkin'

(And yes, I used a legally blonde gif. So sue me.)

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Recipe day - Shrimp Tostadas with Guacamole and Red Cabbage Slaw and Gazpacho

Bit of a change in format here - we ended up cooking this over two days and completely forgetting to take pictures! But, nevertheless I have the recipes for you:

Click for Tostadas Click for Gazpacho

We changed the recipes a little bit - for the tostadas we just bought the shells instead of tortillas that we had to bake.  They are cheap and easy, plus only 110 calories for 2. In addition, we didn't grill the shrimp, only pan cooked them, and we added some sour cream and cilantro to the top.

For each meal we are having 3 big shrimp, 2 tostadas and gazpacho.  The flavors are absolutely awesome and go well together.

This is an awesome summer meal with bright flavors and lots of great veggies!

Keep on walkin'

Friday, July 1, 2016

Rough times

I am having a difficult time here, folks.

Know that I haven't fallen off the wagon, though.  I am still doing everything right and eating properly and all that jazz.  Since being sick last weekend, I haven't gone to the gym, only because I am wanting to get my body fully healthy before getting back on the weights.

I have had a couple of tough days with temptation. 

Here and there I have been having a desire to just go absolutely nuts and eat my way through everything.

Last week I also missed my support group....maybe I need it as a touchstone? 

Things are not always going to be all sunshine and roses while I am doing this.  There are going to be tough days and easy ones and ones where I completely f*ck up. 

There will be tears, laughter, cheers, screams and more.

Gains, losses, both expected and unexpected.

Character is made by how you handle the though times.

Ill be trudging along.

Keep on walkin'