Sunday, February 19, 2017

Started back with a bang

Well, first week back and things are going pretty well.

This week I planned almost all of my lunches (and stuck to them), planned dinners (and stuck to them!) and logged anything that I ate from takeout or going out. 

Whats been the most difficult part?


See, I work for a newspaper. As part of our staff we have a wonderful new food editor. This lovely young lady brings in things for us to try on a relatively regular basis. She places the food to sample on what has been collectively dubbed the "food desk," which happens to be directly in my path from my office to the bathroom. 

I know what some of you might think. "Go a different way," I hear you saying.

Yeah, but theres just one thing. There is no other way. There is only one path from my office to the restroom, and save for a little clever maneuvering through other cubicles and whatnot, that food desk is always there.

And this week she brought cheese.

That is usually me. 

This week, however, I didn't do that. I did sample, a reasonable bite to get the flavor, but that's all!

So...let's see what sort of challenge this week provides.

Keep on walkin!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Things happen

You know, things happen.

In August I found myself without a job. It was tough.

I tried to stay on track. Hell, I even wrote a blog post or two and kept going to meetings...for a few weeks.

But it got me down. Jobless...aimless to an extent...and all day at home alone to be with myself.

I fell back into old ways. No shame in admitting fault when you can recognize it and move forward.

Today I went back to one of my meetings. It felt good. It was strange seeing familiar faces and not seeing them too. I was afraid? Ashamed? But it was all in my head. I didn't know what to expect. In hindsight, where else do you go when you screw up and want to change? You don't go back to the food (which I had done over the past few months). You go back to the people that helped you through it the first time.

So here I am now. Less than 12 hours into the program and going strong. Hell, I even got a little exercise in.

The important thing when you stumble is not to let it take you down. Always get back up. At the end of your life, so long as you tried just one more time than you gave up, you can call it a win. 

Well, lets start walkin!