Monday, September 5, 2016

Back from a hiatus

Okay, so I am back.

Well, not so much back as I never left, I just have had some stuff going on that brought me down.

First up: I injured my knee.  For a while I was nursing it back to health and staying away from the gym, and that seemed to be going well....and then last week happened. I went for a walk in the morning and, feeling particularly adventurous, decided to jog a little bit just to test myself.  I did it, came home and then BAM. I was in a terrible amount of pain and it just kept getting worse. 

Doctor says that it could be tendonitis, but it could be other things too.  I can't do any exercise that puts any pressure on the knee. So that regulates me to swimming and biking.  Thankfully I have acquired a bike and that seems to be going well.  

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly: I am currently unemployed.  Mentally this has been challenging because my answer to pretty much everything, especially stress, anxiety and depression has been to eat.  I have, for the most part, been able to curb my tendencies and keep off of the danger foods.  It is a daily struggle, though, because now I am searching for a job at home by myself...all day....all week.  

Needless to say, it is a challenge. 

But I am doing things to make my own situation better.

First off, I am continuing to log my meals. Check.

Secondly, I am trying to stay away from the kitchen and not "graze." Check.

Also, due to obvious financial situations, I am not eating out. Check.

So, in short, things could be doing better, but they could be a heck of a lot worse.

I am continuing my walk, I am keeping my head up and staying with the program. Hell, I even got my 90 day chip in OA! That was a great reward for my hard up - 6 months!

I will continue to post, I will continue to track, I will continue to make progress.

I will keep on walkin!

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